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You smell so good. What do you have on? Oh that would be my essential oils : )


Why I have chosen to work with Essential Oils.

They work for my family and I. Without sounding too salesy which I often worry about ( I would never be a good sales person 😂) I want to share how they have helped myself, my family, and friends.

That’s really my ultimate goal is to help people live their happiest, healthiest, and best lives yet!

Science nerd alert 🚨 coming.....

I’ve always been deeply interested in science, biology, medicine, and health and wellness.

I’m always a student, always learning, reading, researching.

I found Dr. Doug Corrigan, Ph.D in Biochemistry and Molecular biology, and Lindsey Elmore, a chemist and a clinical pharmacist. I read their books, follow their social media accounts, and believe they have both the medical and science background to support that essential oils work!

Some science from Dr. Doug:

1) Essential Oil Molecules interact with many targets simultaneously – What’s the hallmark of western medicine? Western medicine is built around the concept of one molecule interacting with one target in our cell. This is termed “mono molecular therapy”. This leads to several unavoidable problems: side effects; and, relief of symptom without fixing the root problem.

With essential oil molecules, multiple targets are being engaged in our cells, simultaneously. This is called polymolecular therapy. Essential oils can have up to 300 different molecules in their makeup. And they all have different chemistries and shapes, allowing them to interact with a diverse array of targets in our cells. This leads to the following benefits.

a) Little or No Side Effects (if used safely).

b) Restoring equilibrium or homeostasis in the cell – This is because multiple targets are being engaged simultaneously, which essentially “push the cell’s internal interaction networks back to a normal state. Relieving symptoms is a byproduct, not the end goal. Essential oil molecules are much more effective at dealing with the root cause because more than one cellular pathway is affected by the army of molecules.

c) Synergy - When two or more molecules have a more powerful effect when combined, this is called “synergy”. Also, “new” effects not exhibited by either of the molecules alone can arise. This occurs frequently with essential oil molecules.

Plant extracts have been used for thousands of years by many ancient cultures for medicinal purposes. This is well documented. We have known that they work, but we are now just figuring out in our modern technological era “how” they work.. It’s nothing new. It’s new to our “western” mind, but it’s certainly not new.

So why did I choose Young Living Essential Oils?

I am a yoga, fitness, and holistic health coach, I have always wanted to take the most holistic way to health and wellness for myself and family so I started using Young Living essential oils. I bought a starter kit and became a member. I saw the oils have a positive impact on my emotional wellness. The oils helped with allergies, issues with not being able to fall asleep, etc. I use my oils with purpose and how I want to feel, to make me feel better physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Not all essential oils are created equal!  In fact, the essential oils market is almost completely unregulated.  Because of this, essential oils are commonly tainted, diluted, or otherwise compromised.  Words like ‘Pure’ on the label are meaningless unless they are verified by third party testing.  In order to be labeled ‘100% Pure Essential Oil’ in the United States, only 5% of the contents must be essential oil!  So if the oils you’ve used in the past seemed ineffective, or worse – caused a negative reaction, this may be why!

Young Living is the only essential oil company that owns their own farms or partners with farms that are willing to live up to their standards for growing, harvesting and distilling. ... Pure essential oils contain all desired therapeutic compounds – nothing more, nothing less.

  1. Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world with a Seed to Seal process since they control every single aspect of production.

  2. Anyone can visit the Young Living farms around the globe and participate in the harvest & distillation process. We highly recommend this experience! No other essential oil company owns their own farms and can offer this opportunity.

  3. Young Living oils meet all industry AFNOR and ISO standards and are subjected to isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analysis which determines whether a particular essential oil is naturally sourced or synthetic.

After a year of being a YL member I decided to become a distributor and share my love of essential oils. I don’t like to say sell because I only post on Instagram and I’m sharing my love and information about the oils and products.

My aches and pains, occasional monthly migraine, emotional, moods, and physical ailments subside when practicing the many benefits of essential oils.

I believe medicine can be effective in certain circumstances, so I don’t mean to completely discount this approach by my statements above. We use modern medicine, we go to the doctors, we take antibiotics when needed, but we use oils and natural remedies first. I believe in both eastern and western medicines. With Covid right now I’m certainly not saying anything negative about our doctors. They’re amazing! As are our nurses and everyone in the health care profession.

If you would like to learn more about essential oils email me at or check out my website

I am running a Cyber Monday deal on Starter Kits. Buy a Starter Kit now and receive $25 cash back from me through Venmo or PayPal, educational resources, access to educational Facebook groups, wholesale membership to Young Living 24% discount on all products You Living has.

* Disclaimer:

I am an Independent Distributor of Young Living and the information on this website is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease, illness, or condition, and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional medical care and advice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is intended for educational purposes only. The testimonials, research, and information within applies only to Young Living essential oils and we make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability, or validity of any information presented by individual authors and/or users on our pages and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.


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